Neuigkeiten und Veranstaltungen

Nachfolgend finden Sie einen Zeitplan unserer bevorstehenden Veranstaltungen sowie alle aktuellen CNC- und Vectric-Neuigkeiten. Abonnieren Sie unseren monatlichen Newsletter, um auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben.

Hier finden Sie alle unsere bevorstehenden geplanten Veranstaltungen, einschließlich Online-Schulungen, bei denen unser Team Live-Softwaredemonstrationen durchführt, sowie Präsenzveranstaltungen, bei denen Sie das Vectric-Team persönlich treffen können.

Jedes Jahr veranstalten wir ein Benutzergruppentreffen, das unserer Community eine fantastische Gelegenheit bietet, gleichgesinnte Macher zu treffen und ihre Geschichten, Tipps und Ratschläge auszutauschen.

Um über alle Neuigkeiten und bevorstehenden Veranstaltungen auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben, Abonniere unseren Newsletter.


Makers Central 2024

Makers Central 2024

User Group Meeting 2024

User Group Meeting 2024

UK User Group Meeting 2024

UK User Group Meeting 2024

Neueste Nachrichten

We've Rebranded!

We've Rebranded!

We’ve rebranded! After almost 20 years we decided it was time for a change!

Vectric have been the industry leaders of powerful, easy to use CNC software for almost 20 years, our software is used by a diverse and well established community of makers, hobbyists and creatives worldwide.

Vectric was formed in 2005 by two software engineers wanting to open up the possibilities of CNC machining to artistic creatives and hobbyists who have little, to no machining knowledge or experience. Now, almost 20 years later, we are an employee-owned company with an amazing team of over 35 expert Vectrician's providing software development, sales, marketing, licensing and technical support to over 100,000 customers worldwide!

As our business continues to grow, it’s important that our identity evolves as we adapt to the needs of our makers, technical partners and the ever-changing CNC world around us. Our priority is always to remain relevant, identifiable and connected with our community.

Ligna 2023

Ligna 2023

The highly anticipated LIGNA woodworking show was back after a four year hiatus with tens of thousands of industry professionals descending on Hanover eager to get the low down on latest innovations and inspiration as well as catch up on news affecting the European woodworking, wood processing and furniture making communities. Germany is the benchmark for the industrial sector so it’s no surprise that over 80,000 trade visitors from 160 countries and 1,300 exhibitors from 50 countries gathered together to find out about smart machines and resource-saving production processes plus the latest megatrends of sustainability and digitization.

Makers Central 2023

Makers Central 2023

Makers Central was back with a bang welcoming thousands of makers to celebrate all things creative, and what another incredible show it was! The weekend was packed full of enthusiastic crafters, inventors, artists and hobbyists from all over the world eager to share their inspiration, infectious creativity and keenness to learn and collaborate on projects with their heroes across the maker community.

Makers Central ran from 13th to 14th May 2023 bringing a buzz to Hall 2 at the NEC Birmingham UK, and with exhibitor numbers higher than ever,everyone was super excited to catchup face-to-face again and find lots of weird and wonderful things to explore and learn about from creatives across the world’s maker communities, as well as get the low down on latest news and trends, buy cool merchandise and get their hands dirty making things in the demo areas.

Holz-Handwerk 2022

Holz-Handwerk 2022

Holz-Handwerk ran across 4 days from 12-15 July 2022 at the Messezentrum Exhibition Center in Nuremberg, Germany. For the first time since 2018, after a four year break due to lockdown restrictions, woodworking communities came from all over Europe in eager anticipation to network face-to-face and catch up on industry news, latest trends and innovations and training opportunities.

Makers Central 2022

Makers Central 2022

The long-awaited Makers Central returned with a bang! After three years away, the show opened its doors again to welcome back thousands of makers from around the world including crafters, inventors, artists and hobbyists eager to share and celebrate their enthusiasm for all things creative, and what a phenomenal show it was.

Planting and protecting a 30,000 acre forest...that is our pledge.

Planting and protecting a 30,000 acre forest...that is our pledge.

We are proud to announce that we have teamed up with The Heart of England Forest charity in order to help reshape and reverse centuries of woodland decline and create and conserve a magnificent 30,000 acre broadleaf forest for the benefit of the environment, wildlife and people.

Choose kindness this Christmas

Choose kindness this Christmas

We're on a mission this Christmas to spread kindness to those who need it most. After a very difficult two years for many people, we wanted to use our workshop, CNC and the tools around us including our social platforms to spread more than just CNC project files.

Vectric proudly becomes employee owned!

Vectric proudly becomes employee owned!

We are thrilled to announce Vectric Ltd is officially majority owned by its employees following a generous move by company owner Brian Moran.

As part of an initiative to grow the company whilst strengthening its focus on employees and customers Vectric have implemented an employee ownership trust structure, whereby the majority shares of the organisation are held in a trust on behalf of the staff. Vectric employees will initially have shares of 51%.

Our biggest and best User Group Meeting yet – Denver 2019!

Our biggest and best User Group Meeting yet – Denver 2019!

Last month we hosted our annual User Group Meeting in an unexpectedly snowy Denver! With over 330 attendees and more than 10 partner vendors 2019 was our biggest meeting yet.

Our two-day event was packed with inspiring and informative presentations not only from members of the Vectric team but also 6 guest speakers, all of whom are passionate about the software and are using it daily.

"Der wichtigste Aspekt der Vectric-Software besteht für mich darin, dass ich Aufträge durch Simulationen innerhalb der Software prüfen kann, um perfekte Ergebnisse auf der CNC sicherzustellen und so auch den Abfall zu reduzieren."

Scott Cunningham – Woodbiotics