High quality CNC ready clipart

Professionally created, CNC ready, relief-style clipart pieces to suit every CNC project.

CNC ready 3D models designed for use with VCarve & Aspire

Our growing collection of 3D content means that you will never be short of ways to customize your projects and with new clipart and model projects every month there is always something to inspire you.

We offer single models, model projects or project collections, giving you tons of versatility by allowing you to create your own layouts within your Vectric Software.

Over 2000 3D models available on the Design & Make store

Unleash your creativity with Design & Make Clipart

Over 2000 3D models available on the Design & Make store

"Simple design, powerful results. Creating with Vectric is easy and robust, making my ideas come to life effortlessly."

Alma - Pink Soul Studios