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UK User Group Meeting 2019

The 2019 UK User Group Meeting was full of new and interesting ideas of what you can do in the Vectric software and on a CNC machine. The focus of the User Group Meeting was to show the new features included in the recently released V10 and how easy it is to make ideas a reality in the software.

We hosted our 2019 UK User Group Meeting at our head office in Alcester, Warwickshire on Wednesday 2nd October. Our User Group Meetings give attendees the opportunity to meet the team behind both the development and support of the software.

Our UK User Group Meeting is a one-day training event filled with back to back presentations featuring tips and tricks, new features, ‘how to’ sessions and inspirational project ideas. Vectric trainers covered topics including; what’s new in version 10, wood fashion, text effects, level clipping and composition and pictures and textures.

This year we were thrilled to welcome Peter Parfitt as a guest presenter to our event. Peter has been a woodworking enthusiast since he was 6 years old, now an experienced woodworker and photographer Peter has a thriving YouTube channel called New Brit Workshop ( that he uses to showcase his projects as well as the tools and materials he uses daily.

Attendees ranged from beginners to experts and their experience spanned across all areas of the software, some of their comments from throughout the day are included below:

'Very enjoyable and worthwhile day, I learnt a lot and hope to put into practise very soon.'

'Excellent day. Very useful. Fantastic refreshments. Really nice to meet the team'

'I have been coming to the user group meetings now for three years and always come away having learnt something new and meeting lots of interesting people'

We would like to extend a huge thank you for everyone who attended this year’s User Group Meeting. We have already started thinking about what we will be showcasing in our 2020 event. Watch this space!