Beard Comb

Welcome to the Labs sessions!

Here at Vectric we all love to make stuff, so we thought we would share our inspiration, designs and the CNC process with our community by sharing the projects we make.

Each project comes with its own video for you to watch that tells the story of what we’re making from start to finish. Including technical software footage, machining the parts in the Labs, finishing the projects and we’ll even throw a few tips in based on our experiences.

Each project comes with the file(s) for you to download, along with a PDF document that highlights some of the key important steps to help you get through your project.

Go ahead and try out one of the projects out for yourself and share what you have made on the Vectric Forum!

Happy Making!

Even if you don't have a beard, and I don't, a wooden comb is a pretty neat project to make. When I saw one during a recent surf of the internet my first reaction was "NICE!" then I thought "Bet I could make one of those." So this is my take on a wooden beard comb I would want if I had a beard.

Like many of my "In the Labs" projects this definitely was a learning experience. When you watch the software portion of this video I make it a point to fill you in on how I developed the design, fixed the design, doing an important test cut, my thoughts on materials and what I might improve next time. Hope you enjoy it and if you are beard challenged, like me, I'm pretty sure you'll still get a lot from this project! The file is setup as a two sided project (if you wanted to add decoration on one side).

Which Vectric software do I need to be able to open the free project files?

Aspire IconVCarve Pro IconVCarve Desktop IconCut2D Pro IconCut2D Desktop Icon
Suitable for version 9.5 or greater

We’ve recently updated your V&CO portal account to include all of the free content available to you in one place. To download the free project files and the full instructions for this project or to take a look at all of the other free content available to you simply login to your V&CO account below: